Zone Anjou Actiparc, 49160 Longué-Jumelles, France

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  • How do you know if a lot on the market conforms to the expected variety?

    The aim of varietal control

    Grow out field Test (GOT) of seed lots is an essential pillar of quality.

    From the farmer’s point of view, it ensures the purchase of seed that conforms to the standard of the variety indicated on the package. More concretely, the variety must conform to its marketing description, be homogeneous and of high agronomic performance.

    Traceability of lots

    Each lot received at the seed company should be assessed in the field and/or in the laboratory for conformity with the variety standard. Lots are therefore systematically sampled on receipt, following official lot sampling protocols. An identification code is assigned to each sample and the sample is then sent to stations specialising in varietal control in the field. The specialists in charge of evaluating samples do not know the origin of the lots, nor their destination, in order to ensure objectivity in their evaluation.

    Evaluation by specialists 

    The specialists in charge of evaluating samples have a global vision and knowledge of varieties and species. They are also able to define and identify the essential and subtle criteria for differentiating between varieties. Although their role is decisive in the lot marketing process, their evaluation is objective. Observations are precise and methodical, without value judgements or projections on the marketability of the lot. The information is then communicated to the product managers, who make their own decision on whether or not to market a lot.

    The evaluation of varieties in real conditions

    Varietal inspection is carried out under the specific growing conditions recommended for each variety.

    The variety is evaluated under optimum conditions to ensure good crop uniformity, but using the methods usually employed by farmers.

    The final evaluation should cover a sufficient number of plants to validate the GOT. This allows a statistically reliable analysis to be made, i.e. to obtain a result that reflects the real quality of the initial batch. The minimum number of plants required to validate the GOT is adapted according to the species, in order to best reflect their specificities.